Set up an account, if you haven't already. Very easy. Then once you're set up you can order a load of coupons. All you do to order is click on a check box and verify your home address. They don't send you junk emails or call you or harrass you. They just send you savings in the mail. They mail them to you in a few days. These huge savings come out every quarter (January, April, August, December). So now's the time!
What you need to know too, is that these same coupons come out this weekend in the paper as well. I'm not sure which one, it's either The Vancouver Sun or The Province.
So, you order these ones online AND make sure you get your paper this weekend.
Here's an example of "extreme couponing" using the coupons from the website and what you will get this weekend.
Using the Oil of Olay body coupons.
- when you buy 2 get $5.00 off
- when you buy 1 get 1 get $2.00 off
- when you buy 2 of participating products (Oil of Olay is one of these products) get $3.00 off
Eek...can't wait for my coupons! Is anyone else excited or is it just me?!?
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